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1     鲍彦平#,孙艳坤,孟适秋,时杰,陆林*.2019-nCoV epidemic: address mental health care to empower society.Lancet,2020,395(10224):E37-E38.

2     王华丽#*,李涛,Paola Barbarino,Serge Gauthier,Henry Brodaty,José Luis Molinuevo,Hengge Xie,Yongan,Sun,Enyan Yu,Yanqing Tang,Wendy Weidner,于欣*.Dementia care during COVID-19.Lancet,2020,395(10231):1190-1191.

3     陈红光#,Zhang Konglai*.Insight into the impact of the COVID-19 epidemic on tuberculosis burden in China.The European respiratory journal,2020,56:2002710.

4     Wang, Y., Q. Lu, J. Shi, Y. Bao and L. Lu.Comment on: "Sleep in the anxiety-related disorders: A meta-analysis of subjective and objective research".Sleep Medicine Reviews,2020,52:101316.

5     王云鹤#,Liu M,Lu Q,Farrell M,Lappin JM,时杰,陆林*,鲍彦平*.Global prevalence and burden of HIV-associated neurocognitive disorder: a meta-analysis.Neurology,2020,95(19):e2610-e2621.

6     袁俊亮.Reader Response Simple MRI Score Aids Prediction of Dementia in Cerebral Small Vessel Disease.Neurology,2021,96(1):39-40.

7     袁俊亮#,Wenli Hu.Reader response: RCVS2 score and diagnostic approach for reversible cerebral vasoconstriction syndrome.Neurology,2020,94(21):945-946.

8     刘佳佳#,鲍彦平,黄筱琳,时杰,陆林*.Mental health considerations for children quarantined because of COVID-19.Lancet Child & Adolescent Health,2020,4(5):347-349.

9     郁昊#,程维秋#,张晓,王新,岳伟华*.Integration analysis of methylation quantitative trait loci and GWAS identify three schizophrenia risk variants.Neuropsychopharmacology,2020,45(7):1179-1187.

10    岳晶丽#,闫薇#,孙艳坤#,袁凯#,苏思贞,韩盈,Arun V. Ravindran,Thomas Kosten,Ian Everall,Christopher G Davey,Edward Bullmore,Norito Kawakami,Corrado Barbui,Graham Thornicroft,Crick Lund,林萧,刘琳,师乐,时杰,Mao-Sheng Ran*,鲍燕萍*,陆林*.Mental health services for infectious disease outbreaks including COVID-19: a rapid systematic review.Psychological Medicine,2020,50(15):2498-2513.

11    刘莎#,Shuquan Rao#,徐勇#,李俊#,Hailiang Huang,Xu Zhang,Hui Fu,Qiang Wang,Hongbao Cao,Ancha Baranova,Chunhui Jin*,张付全*.Identifying common genomewide risk genes for major psychiatric traits.Human Genetics,2020,139(2):185-198.

12    常素华#,杨莉*,王玉凤,Stephen V. Faraone*.Shared polygenic risk for ADHD, executive dysfunction and other psychiatric disorders.Translational Psychiatry,2020,10(1):1-9.

13    邓佳慧#,师乐#,袁凯#,姚萍,陈斯婧,阙建宇,宫艺邈,鲍彦平,时杰,韩盈*,孙洪强*,陆林*.Propranolol-induced inhibition of unconditioned stimulus-reactivated fear memory prevents the return of fear in humans.Translational psychiatry,2020,10(1):345-345.

14    郭晓杰#,Yao DR#,曹庆久,刘璐,赵琦华,李卉,黄芳,王延菲,钱秋谨,王玉凤,隋婧*,孙黎*.Shared and distinct resting functional connectivity in children and adults with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder.Translational Psychiatry,2020,10(1):65.

15    黄庚娣#,蒋立昕,Feng Su,王华丽,Chen Zhang*,于欣*.A novel paradigm for assessing olfactory working memory capacity in mice.Translational Psychiatry,2020,10(1):435.

16    梁伟#,郁昊,苏怡,卢天兰,阎浩,岳伟华*,张岱*.Variants of GRM7 as risk factor and response to antipsychotic therapy in schizophrenia.Translational Psychiatry,2020,10(1):83.

17    林潇#,邓佳慧#,师乐,王乾东,李鹏,李卉,刘佳佳,阙建宇,常素华,鲍彦平,时杰,Daniel R. Weinberger,吴萍*,陆林.Neural substrates of smoking and reward cue reactivity in smokers: a meta-analysis of fMRI studies.Translational Psychiatry,2020,10(1):97.

18    孙杰#,闫薇,Zhang, X. N.,林潇,李卉,宫艺邈,祝喜梅,郑永博,Xiang-Yang Guo,马运东,刘增义,柳琳,高家红,Michael V. Vitiello,常素华*,Xiao-Guang Liu*,陆林*.Polygenic evidence and overlapped brain functional connectivities for the association between chronic pain and sleep disturbance.Translational Psychiatry,2020,10(1):252.

19    师乐#,卢政安#,阙建宇,黄筱琳,Liu L,冉茂盛,宫艺邈,袁凯,闫薇,孙艳坤,时杰,鲍彦平*,陆林*.Prevalence of and Risk Factors Associated With Mental Health Symptoms Among the General Population in China During the Coronavirus Disease 2019 Pandemic.Jama Network Open,2020,3(7):e2014053.

20    王云鹤#,Wang, J.#,Shuo-Hua Chen,Jin-Qiao Li,Qing-Dong Lu,Michael V. Vitiello,,FengWang,Xiang-Dong Tang,时杰,陆林*,Shou-LingWu*,鲍彦平*.Association of Longitudinal Patterns of Habitual Sleep Duration With Risk of Cardiovascular Events and All-Cause Mortality.Jama Network Open,2020,3(5):e205246.

21    宓为峰#,Serik Tabarak#,Li Wang,Su-Zhen Zhang,Xiao Lin,Lan-Ting Du,Zhen Liu,Yan-Ping Bao,高雪娇,张卫华,王雪芹,范滕滕,李玲芝,郝晓楠,付艺,施莹,郭丽华,孙洪强,Lin Liu,司天梅*,张鸿燕*,陆林,李素霞*.Effects of agomelatine and mirtazapine on sleep disturbances in major depressive disorder: evidence from polysomnographic and resting-state functional connectivity analyses.Sleep,2020,43(11):doi: 10.1093/sleep/zsaa092.

22    Mengjia Xu#,王志江,张海峰,Dimitrios Pantazis,王华丽*,Quanzheng Li*.A new Graph Gaussian embedding method for analyzing the effects of cognitive training.PLOS COMPUTATIONAL BIOLOGY,2020,16(9):e1008186.

23    郭洪岭#,袁凯#,张钟玉,薛言学,闫薇,孟适秋,朱维莉,吴萍,鲍彦平,时杰,章文*,陆林*,韩盈*.Pi4KII alpha Regulates Unconditioned Stimulus-Retrieval-Induced Fear Memory Reconsolidation through Endosomal Trafficking of AMPA Receptors.Iscience,2020,23(3):100895.

24    Zou, G., Y. Li, J. Liu, S. Zhou, J. Xu, L. Qin, Y. Shao, P. Yao, H. Sun*, Q. Zou* and J.-H. Gao*.Altered thalamic connectivity in insomnia disorder during wakefulness and sleep.Human Brain Mapping,2020,42(1):259-270.

25    李鹏#,荆日星#,赵荣江,师乐,孙洪强,丁增波,林潇,陆林*,范勇*.Association between functional and structural connectivity of the corticostriatal network in people with schizophrenia and unaffected first-degree relatives.JOURNAL OF PSYCHIATRY & NEUROSCIENCE,2020,45(6):395-405.

26    Shui Tian#,Siqi Zhang,Mohammad Ridwan Chattun,Qiang Wang,王丽,Rongxin Zhu,Junneng Shao,XinYi Wang,Zhijian Yao*,司天梅*,Qing Lu*.Antidepressants normalize brain flexibility associated with multi-dimensional symptoms in major depressive patients.PROGRESS IN NEURO-PSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY & BIOLOGICAL PSYCHIATRY,2020,100:109866.

27    汪子琪#,李俊#,张天,卢天兰,王晗,贾美香,刘靖*,Jun Xiong*,张岱,王力芳*.Family-based association study identifies SNAP25 as a susceptibility gene for autism in the Han Chinese population.Progress in neuro-psychopharmacology & biological psychiatry,2020,105:109985-109985.

28    李卉#,林潇,柳琳,苏思贞,祝喜梅,郑永博,黄唯真,阙建宇,师乐,鲍彦平,陆林*,邓佳慧*,孙新宇*.Disruption of the structural and functional connectivity of the frontoparietal network underlies symptomatic anxiety in late-life depression.NeuroImage:Clinical,2020,28:102398.

29    Yuan, J., X. Song, E. Kuan, S. Wang, L. Zuo, D. Ongur, W. Hu and F. Du.The structural basis for interhemispheric functional connectivity: Evidence from individuals with agenesis of the corpus callosum.NeuroImage:Clinical,2020,28:102425.

30    Guo JL#,罗翔升,LI BK,Chang QY,孙黎*,Song Y*.Abnormal modulation of theta oscillations in children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder.NeuroImage:Clinical,2020,27:102314.

31    王丽#,Kun Bi#,Zhou Song,Zhe Zhang,Ke Li,孔庆梅,李雪霓,Qing Lu,司天梅*.Disturbed Resting-State Whole-Brain Functional Connectivity of Striatal Subregions in Bulimia Nervosa.INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NEUROPSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY,2020,23(6):356-365.

32     李倩倩#,闫俊#,廖金敏,张晓,刘丽君,付晓雨,Hao Yang Tan,张岱*,阎浩*.Distinct Effects of Social Stress on Working Memory in Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder.Neuroscience Bulletin,2020,37(1):81-93.

33    王红丽#,李继涛#*,王瀚,孙雅馨,Rui Liu,王晓东,苏允爱,司天梅*.Prefrontal Nectin3 Reduction Mediates Adolescent Stress-Induced Deficits of Social Memory, Spatial Working Memory, and Dendritic Structure in Mice.Neuroscience Bulletin,2020,36(8):860-874.

34    韩盈#,袁凯,郑永博,陆林*.Orexin Receptor Antagonists as Emerging Treatments for Psychiatric Disorders.Neuroscience Bulletin,2020,36(4):432-448.

35    崔员霞#,阎浩,苏怡,王力芳,卢天兰,张岱*,岳伟华*.CYP2D6Genotype-Based Dose Recommendations for Risperidone in Asian People.Frontiers in Pharmacology,2020,11:936.

36     王丽#,Feng Li#,Philip B. Mitchell,Chuan-Yue Wang*,司天梅*.Striatal Resting-State Connectivity Abnormalities Associated With Different Clinical Stages of Major Depressive Disorder.The Journal of clinical psychiatry,2020,81(2):19m12790.

37     钱英#,Fan Zili#,Gao Bingling,Sibley Margaret,曹庆久,Li Fei,杨莉*.Efficacy and acceptability of a second dose of ecological executive skills training for children with ADHD: a randomized controlled study and follow-up.European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry,2020,30(6):921-935.

38     Xin Wang#,程维秋#,Jin Zhu,Hongtao Yin,常素华,岳伟华,郁昊*.Integrating genome-wide association study and expression quantitative trait loci data identifies NEGR1 as a causal risk gene of major depression disorder.Journal of Affective Disorders,2020,265:679-686.

39    侯言言#,姚树桥,胡少华,周琪,韩涵,于欣,Roger S. McIntyre*,石川*.PSYCHOMETRIC properties of the Chinese version of the THINC-it tool for cognitive symptoms in patients with major depressive disorder.Journal of Affective Disorders,2020,273:586-591.

40    LIU YUAN#,陈红光#,Zhang Nan#,WANG XING,Fan Qinyi,Zhang Yulin,Huang Liping,Hu Bo*,Li Mengqian*.Anxiety and depression symptoms of medical staff under COVID-19 epidemic in China.Journal of affective disorders,2020,278:144-148.

41    林靖宇#,苏允爱#*,吕晓珍,刘琦,王刚,魏镜,Gang Zhu,Qiao-Ling Chen,Hong-Jun Tian,Ke-Rang Zhang,Xue-Yi Wang,Nan Zhang,Ying Wang,于欣,司天梅*.Perceived stressfulness mediates the effects of subjective social support and negative coping style on suicide risk in Chinese patients with major depressive disorder.Journal of Affective Disorders,2020,265:32-38.

42    熊娜娜#,刘琦#,吕晓珍,Rainer Leonhart,田红军,魏镜,张克让,朱刚,陈巧玲,王刚,王学义,张楠,黄雨,司天梅,于欣*.Demographic and Psychosocial Variables Could Predict the Occurrence of Major Depressive Disorder, but Not the Severity of Depression in Patients with First-episode Major Depressive Disorder in China.Journal of Affective Disorders,2020,274:103-111.

43    Xu Yifeng#,Wang Yan,Chen Jianhua,He Yanling,Zeng Qingzhi,黄悦勤*,Xu Xiufeng,卢瑾,Wang Zhizhong,Sun Xian,Chen Jing,Yan Feng,Li Tao,Guo Wanjun,Xu Guangming,Tian Hongjun,徐向东,Ma Yanjuan,王丽敏,Zhang Mei,闫永平,Wang Bo,Xiao Shuiyuan,Zhou Liang,Li Lingjiang,Zhang Yan,陈红光,张婷婷,Yan Jie,Ding Hua,Yu Yaqin,Kou Changgui,Jia Fujun,Liu Jian,Chen Zheli,Zhang Ning,Du Xinbai,Du Xiangdong,Wu Yue,Li Guohua.The comorbidity of mental and physical disorders with self-reported chronic back or neck pain: Results from the China Mental Health Survey.Journal of Affective Disorders ,2020,260:334-341.

44    陈红光#,Zhang Konglai*.Insight into the psychological problems on the epidemic of COVID-19 in China by online searching behaviors.Journal of Affective Disorders,2020,276:1093-1094.

45    Xiao Xiao#,郁昊#,李俊,Lu Wang,Lingyi Li,Hong Chang,张岱,岳伟华*,Ming Li*.Further evidence for the association between LRP8 and schizophrenia.Schizophrenia Research,2020,215:499-505.

46    周和统#,陆邵佳#,陈金凯,魏宁,王丹丹,吕海龙,石川*,胡少华*.The landscape of cognitive function in recovered COVID-19 patients.Journal of Psychiatric Research,2020,129:98-102.

47    苏允爱#,林靖宇#,刘琦,吕晓珍,王刚,魏镜,Gang Zhu,Qiao-Ling Chen,Hong-Jun Tian,Ke-Rang Zhang,Xue-Yi Wang,Nan Zhang,Ying Wang,Ebrahim Haroon,于欣*,司天梅*.Associations among serum markers of inflammation, life stress and suicide risk in patients with major depressive disorder.Journal of Psychiatric Research,2020,129:53-60.

48     Xie Rao#,Sun Xiao,杨莉*,郭延庆*.Characteristic Executive Dysfunction for High-Functioning Autism Sustained to Adulthood.Autism research ,2020,13(12):2102-2121.

49    屠丽回#,吕晓珍,范自立,张明,王华丽*,于欣*.Association of Odor Identification Ability With Amyloid-β and Tau Burden: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.Frontiers in neuroscience,2020,14:3145-3152.

50    王婧#,YueGu#,董问天,MeiZhao,田菊,Tingting Sun,于欣,Gaoxiang Ouyang,王华丽*.Lower Small-Worldness of Intrinsic Brain Networks Facilitates the Cognitive Protection of Intellectual Engagement in Elderly People Without Dementia: A Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Study.AMERICAN JOURNAL OF GERIATRIC PSYCHIATRY,2020,28(7):722-731.

51    孙艳坤#,鲍彦平,陆林*.Addressing mental health care for the bereaved during the COVID-19 pandemic.Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences,2020,74(7):406-407.

52    Liao, M.-Q., X.-P. Gao, X.-X. Yu, Y.-F. Zeng, S.-N. Li, N. Naicker, T. Joseph, W.-T. Cao, Y.-H. Liu, S. Zhu, Q.-S. Chen, Z.-C. Yang and F.-F. Zeng.Effects of dairy products, calcium and vitamin D on ovarian cancer risk: a meta-analysis of twenty-nine epidemiological studies.British Journal of Nutrition,2020,124(10):1001-1012.

53    苗齐#,蒲城城,王志江,Chao-Gan Yan,石川,曹庆久,Xijin Wang,程章,韩雪,杨磊,Yunyao Lai,原岩波,马弘,Keqing Li,Nan Hong,于欣*.Influence of More Than 5 Years of Continuous Exposure to Antipsychotics on Cerebral Functional Connectivity of Chronic Schizophrenia.Canadian Journal of Psychiatry-Revue Canadienne De Psychiatrie,2020,65(7):463-472.

54    马玉努#,孙雅馨,王婷,王瀚,张月,苏允爱,李继涛*,司天梅*.Subchronic MK-801 treatment during adolescence induces long-term, not permanent, excitatory-inhibitory imbalance in the rat hippocampus.European Journal of Pharmacology,2020,867:172807.

55    蒋立昕#,黄庚娣#,Feng Su,王华丽*,Chen Zhang*,于欣*.Vortioxetine administration attenuates cognitive and synaptic deficits in 5×FAD mice.Psychopharmacology,2020,237:1233-1243.

56    李明慧#,黄悦勤*,刘肇瑞*,沈芮,陈红光,马超,张婷婷,李淑然,Martin Prince.The association between frailty and incidence of dementia in Beijing: findings from 10/66 dementia research group population-based cohort study.Bmc Geriatrics,2020,20(1):138.

57    胡思帆#,陈洁,李月真,邵岩,赵晓遐,娄思佳,潘雯,姚萍,孙伟,陆林,唐向东*,孙洪强*.The influence of placebo administration on the first- night effect in patients with insomnia disorder.Sleep Medicine,2020,72:138-143.

58    屠丽回#,吕晓珍#,Changzheng Yuan,张明,范自立,Xiaolin Xu,Yi Zeng,于欣*,王华丽*.Trajectories of cognitive function and their determinants in older people: 12 years of follow-up in the Chinese.International Psychogeriatrics,2020,32(6):765-775.

59    王华丽#*,李涛,SERGE GAUTHIER,ENYAN YU,YANQING TANG,PAOLA BARBARINO,于欣*.Coronavirus epidemic and geriatric mental healthcare in China: how a coordinated response by professional organizations helped older adults during an unprecedented crisis.International Psychogeriatrics,2020,32(10):1-7.

60    王华丽.Nexus between cognitive reserve and modifiable risk factors of dementia.International Psychogeriatrics,2020,32(5):559–562.

61    王华丽#*,范自立,石川,熊凌川,张海峰,李涛,Yongan Sun,Qihao Guo,Yanghua Tian,Qiumin Qu,Nan Zhang,Zaohuo Cheng,Liyong Wu,Daxing Wu,Zaizhu Han,Jinzhou Tian,Hengge Xie,Shuping Tan,Jingfang Gao,Benyan Luo,Xiaoping Pan,Guoping Peng,Bin Qin,Yi Tang,Kai Wang,Tao Wang,Junjian Zhang,Qianhua Zhao,Serge Gauthier,于欣*.Consensus statement on the neurocognitive outcomes for early detection of mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer dementia from the Chinese Neuropsychological Normative (CN-NORM) Project.Journal of global health,2019,9(2):020320.

62    王华丽#*,Hengge Xie,Qiumin Qu,Wei Chen,Yongan Sun,Nan Zhang,Yu Liu,李涛,Kit Yee Chan,Serge Gauthier,于欣.The continuum of care for dementia: needs, resources and practice in China.Journal of global health,2019,9(2):020321.

63    Siuching Kat#,徐凌子,郭延庆,马俊红,马增慧,汤欣舟,阳雨露,王慧,李雪*,刘靖*.Reliability and Validity of the Simplified Chinese Version of the Aberrant Behavior Checklist in Chinese Autism Population.Frontiers in Psychiatry,2020,11:545445.

64    Wang XING#,陈红光#,Liu Ling#,Liu Yuan,Zhang nan,Sun Zhenghai,Lou Qing,Ge Weichun,Hu Bo*,Li Mengqian*.Anxiety and Sleep Problems of College Students During the Outbreak of COVID-19.Frontiers in Psychiatry,2020,11::588693.

65    安静#,李乐#,王丽,苏允爱,Ying Wang,Ke Li,Yawei Zeng,孔庆梅,Chaogan Yan*,司天梅*.Striatal Functional Connectivity Alterations After Two-Week Antidepressant Treatment Associated to Enduring Clinical Improvement in Major Depressive Disorder.Frontiers in Psychiatry,2020,10:884.

66    程章#,原岩波,韩雪,杨磊,曾新,杨甫徳,陆征,王传跃,邓红,赵靖平,于欣*.Which Subgroup of First-Episode Schizophrenia Patients Can Remit During the First Year of Antipsychotic Treatment?.Frontiers in Psychiatry,2020,11:566-573.

67    廖静萍#,王宁#,马梦颖,卢天兰,阎浩,岳伟华*.C677T polymorphism in the MTHFR Gene is associated with risperidone-induced weight gain in schizophrenia..Frontiers in Psychiatry,2020,11:617.

68    宓为峰#, Xiao-Min Chen,范滕滕,Serik Tabarak,Jing-Bo Xiao,Yong-Zhi Cao, Xiao-Yu Li,Yan-Ping Bao,Ying Han,李玲芝,施莹,郭丽华, Xiao-Zhi Wang,Yong-Qiao Liu,Zhan-Min Wang,Jing-Xu Chen,Feng-Chun Wu,Wen-Bin Ma,Hua-Fang Li,Wei-Dong Xiao,Fei-Hu Liu,Wen Xie*,张鸿燕*,陆林*.Identifying Modifiable Risk Factors for Relapse in Patients With Schizophrenia in China.Frontiers in Psychiatry,2020,11:574763.

69    孙婷婷#,谢腾*,王婧,Long Zhang,Yanghua Tian,Kai Wang,于欣,王华丽*.Decision-Making Under Ambiguity or Risk in Individuals With Alzheimer’s Disease and Mild Cognitive Impairment.Frontiers in Psychiatry,2020,11:218.

70    张光银#,Shixin Xu,Zhenqing Zhang,Yu Zhang,吴艳坤,安静,林靖宇,Zhuo Yuan,Li Shen,司天梅*.Identification of Key Genes and the Pathophysiology Associated With Major Depressive Disorder Patients Based on Integrated Bioinformatics Analysis.Frontiers in Psychiatry,2020,11:192.

71    赵希希#,李卉#,王恩聪,罗翔升,Han Chuanliang,曹庆久,刘璐,陈进,王长明,Stuart J. Johnstone,王玉凤,孙黎*.Neural Correlates of Working Memory Deficits in Different Adult Outcomes of ADHD: An Event-Related Potential Study.Frontiers in Psychiatry,2020,11:348.

72    刘璐#,赵琦华#,玉小燕,徐德峰,李海梅,吉宁,吴赵敏,程嘉,苏怡,曹庆久,孙黎*,钱秋谨*,王玉凤.Monoaminergic Genetic Variants, Prefrontal Cortex-Amygdala Circuit, and Emotional Symptoms in Children With ADHD: Exploration Based on the Gene-Brain-Behavior Relationship.Journal of Attention Disorders,2020,25(9):1272-1283.

73     Jing-Xu Chen#,Jun-Hui Feng#,Li-Gang Zhang,Yan Liu,Fu-De Yang,Shao-Li Wang,Yun-Long Tan,苏允爱*.Association of serum uric acid levels with suicide risk in female patients with major depressive disorder: a comparative cross-sectional study.Bmc Psychiatry,2020,20(1):477.

74     徐凌子#,郭延庆#,曹庆久,李雪,梅婷,马增慧,汤新舟,吉兆正,杨柳,刘靖*.Predictors of outcome in early onset schizophrenia: a 10-year follow-up study.Bmc Psychiatry,2020,20(1):67.

75    Dong-Liang Mu#,Pan-Pan Ding,周书喆,Mei-Jing Liu,孙新宇*,Xue-Ying Li,Dong-Xin Wang.Cross-cultural adaptation and validation of the 3D-CAM Chinese version in surgical ICU patients.Bmc Psychiatry,2020,20(1):133.

76    Li Wu#,Li WU#,王雪芹#,Yong Yang,Teng-Fei Dong,Ling Lei,Qi-Qi Cheng,李素霞.Spatio-temporal dynamics of EEG features during sleep in major depressive disorder after treatment with escitalopram: a pilot study.Bmc Psychiatry,2020,20(1):124-133.

77    邓佳慧#,宫艺邈,林潇,鲍彦平,孙洪强,陆林*.Knowledge and attitudes about transcranial magnetic stimulation among psychiatrists in China.Bmc Psychiatry,2020,20(1):416.

78    Peiyuan Qiu#,Miao Zeng,Weihong Kuang,Steven Siyao Meng,Yan Cai,王华丽*,Yang Wan*.Heterogeneity in the dynamic change of cognitive function among older Chinese people: A growth mixture model.INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GERIATRIC PSYCHIATRY,2020,35(10):1123-1133.

79    王鹏#,Jiang X,Chen HB,Zhang S,Li X,曹庆久,孙黎,刘璐,Yang BR,王玉凤*.Assessing Fine-Granularity Structural and Functional Connectivity in Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.Frontiers in Human Neuroscience,2020,14:594830.

80    Jiayi Yang#,Xiaoyu Ji#,权文香#,Yunshan Liu,Bowen Wei,Tongning Wu*.Classification of Schizophrenia by Functional Connectivity Strength Using Functional Near Infrared Spectroscopy.Frontiers in neuroinformatics,2020,14:40-40.

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