
学术论文 2016-03-17

1.      Wei Hui()#,原岩波#,Liu Sha(),Wang Cheng(),Yang Fude(),Lu Zheng(),Wang Chuanyue(),Deng Hong(),Zhao Jingping(),Shen Yan(),Zhang Chenyu()*,于欣*,Xu Qi()*.Detection of Circulating miRNA Levels in Schizophrenia, American Journal of Psychiatry, 2015,172(11):1141-1147.

2.     黄薛冰, Samuel Law, .Dan Li,于欣,李冰.Mercury poisoning: a case of a complex neuropsychiatric illness, American Journal of Psychiatry,2014,171(12):1253-6.

3.     罗宜孝(),薛言学(),刘剑锋(),史海水(),简旻(),韩盈(),朱维莉(),鲍彦萍(),吴萍(),丁增波(),沈浩伟(),时杰(),Yavin Shaham(),陆林*.  A novel UCS memory retrieval-extinction procedure to inhibit relapse to drug seeking, Nature Communications, 2015,6:7675.

4.     李俊,Chai A(),王力芳,马远林,伍智镠(),郁昊(),梅黎伟(),陆林,张晨(),岳伟华,徐林()*,饶毅(),张岱*. Synaptic P-Rex1 signaling regulates hippocampal longterm depression and autism-like social behavior, Proceedings of The National Academy of Sciences of The United States Of America, 2015,112(50):E6964-72.

5.     Xu Yong()#,岳伟华#,Yao Shugart Y()#, Li S(),Cai L(),Li Q(),Cheng Z(),Wang G(),Zhou Z(),Jin C(),Yuan J(),Tian L(), Wang J(),Zhang Kai(),Zhang K(),刘莎(),宋煜青,Zhang F()*. Exploring transcription factors-microRNAs co-regulating networks in schizophrenia, Schizophrenia Bulletin ,pii: sbv170.

6.     郁昊(),王力芳,Luxian Lv(),Cuicui Ma(),Bo Du(),卢天兰,Chao Jin(),阎浩,Yongfeng Yang(),Wenqiang Li(),阮燕燕,张鸿燕,Hongxing Zhang(),宓为峰,Bryan Mowry(),Wenbin Ma(),Keqing Li(),张岱,岳伟华*. Genome-Wide Association Study Suggested the PTPRD Polymorphisms Were Associated With Weight Gain Effects of Atypical Antipsychotic Medications,Schizophrenia Bulletin ,pii: sbv179.

7.     薛言学(),朱珍珍(),韩海滨(),刘剑锋(),孟适秋(),陈琛,杨建立()*,吴萍()*,陆林*. Overexpression of Protein Kinase Mzeta in the Prelimbic Cortex Enhances the Formation of Long-Term Fear Memory, Neuropsychopharmacology ,2015,40(10):2487.

8.     刘璐,程嘉,李海梅(),杨莉,钱秋谨*,王玉凤*.The possible involvement of genetic variants of NET1 in the etiology of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder comorbid with oppositional defiant disorder, Journal of Child Psychology And Psychiatry, 2015,56(1):58-66.

9.     Jia-Feng Liu()#,杨畅#,邓佳慧#,Wei Yan(),HuiMin Wang(),YiXiao Luo(),HaiShui Shi(),ShiQiu Meng(),BaiSheng Chai(),Qin Fang(),Ning Chai(),YanXue Xue(),Jia Sun(),陈琛,XueYi Wang(),JiShi Wang()*,陆林*. Role of hippocampal beta-adrenergic and glucocorticoid receptors in the novelty-induced enhancement of fear extinction, Journal of Neuroscience , 2015,35(21):8308-8321.

10.   王金辉(),王晓,何毅(),于欣,王华丽*,贺永()*. Apolipoprotein E ε4 modulates functional brain connectome in Alzheimer's disease, Human Brain Mapping, 2015,36(5):1828-1846.

11.   孟颖()#,李会英()#,滑瑞(),王华丽,jian lu(),于欣*,张晨()*. A correlativity study of plasma APL1β28 and clusterin levels with MMSE/MoCA/CASI in aMCI patients, Scientific Reports, 2015,5:15546.

12.   马远林()#,李俊#,郁昊(),王力芳,卢天兰,潘超(),韩永华,张岱*,岳伟华* . Association of chromosome 5q21.3 polymorphisms with the exploratory eye movement dysfunction in schizophrenia,  Scientific Reports,2015,5:10299.

13.   赵林楠(),李俊,马远林(), Wang J(),潘文(),高凯(),张峥嵘(),卢天兰,阮燕燕,岳伟华,赵善廷(),王力芳*,张岱*. Ezh2 is involved in radial neuronal migration through regulating Reelin expression in cerebral cortex, Scientific Reports,2015,5:15484.

14.   Fuquan Zhang()*#,Yin Yao Shugart()#,岳伟华#,Zaohuo Cheng(),Guoqiang Wang(),Zhenhe Zhou(),Chunhui Jin(),Jianmin Yuan(),Sha Liu(),Yong Xu()*. Increased Variability of Genomic Transcription in Schizophrenia,        ScientificReports,doi:10.1038/srep17995.

15.   陈景旭()#,苏允爱#,卞清涛(),魏立和(),张荣珍(),刘艳红(),Christoph Correll(),Jair C. Soares(),杨甫德(),王绍礼(),张向阳()* .Adjunctive aripiprazole in the treatment of risperidone-induced hyperprolactinemia: A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, dose-response study. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 2015,58:130-140.

16.   Mercè Masana(),苏允爱,Claudia Liebl(),王晓东(),Lara Jansen(),Sören Westerholz(),Marianne B. Müller()*. The  stress-inducible  actin-interacting protein  DRR1  shapes  social  behavior, Psychoneuroendocrinology, 2014,48:98-110.

17.   董立彩(),阎浩,黄薛冰,Xiaofeng Hu(),Yongfeng Yang(),Cuicui Ma(),Bo Du(),卢天兰,Chao Jin(),王力芳,郁昊(),董铮(),Wenqiang Li(),阮燕燕,张鸿燕,Hongxing Zhang(),宓为峰,Wenbin Ma(),Keqing Li(),吕路线(),张岱,岳伟华* .A2BP1 gene polymorphisms association with olanzapine-induced weight gain, Pharmacological Research, 2015,99:155-161.

18.   王晓#,Jinhui Wang()#,Yi He(),Huiying Li(),Huishu Yuan(),Alan Evans(),于欣,Yong He()*,王华丽*. Apolipoprotein E ε4 Modulates Cognitive Profiles, Hippocampal Volume, and Resting-State Functional Connectivity in Alzheimer's Disease, Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, 2015,45(3):781-795.

19.   李芊芊(),孙成玉(),罗宜孝(),薛言学(),孟适秋(),徐凌志(),陈娜(),邓佳慧(),翟海峰(),Thomas R. Kosten(),时杰(),陆林*,孙洪强*. A conjugate vaccine attenuates morphine- and heroin-induced behavior in rats, International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology, DOI: 10.1093/ijnp/pyu093.

20.   廖金敏#,阎浩#,刘琦,闫俊,Lanlan Zhang(),姜思思,张晓(),董铮(),杨文(),蔡丽伟,Huining Guo(),Yan Wang(),Zimeng Li(),Lin Tian(),张岱*,Fei Wang()*.Reduced paralimbic system gray matter volume in schizophrenia: Correlations with clinical variables, symptomatology and cognitive function, Journal of Psychiatric Research, 2015,65:80-86.

21.   李茜,项玉涛()*,苏允爱,舒良,于欣,Christoph U. Correll(),Gabor S. Ungvari(),Helen F.K. Chiu(),马崔(),王高华(),白培深(),李涛(),孙立忠(),师建国(),陈宪生(),梅其一(),栗克清(),司天梅*,John M. Kane(). Clozapine in schizophrenia and its association with treatment satisfaction and quality of life: Findings of the three national surveys on use of psychotropic medications in China (2002-2012), Schizophrenia Research, 2015,168(1-2):523-529.

22.   石川,康岚,Shuqiao Yao(),马义斌,李涛,梁英,程章,Yifeng Xu(),Jianguo Shi(),Xiufeng Xu(),Congpei Zhang(),Donald R. Franklin(),Robert K. Heaton(),Hua Jin()*,于欣*. The MATRICS Consensus Cognitive Battery (MCCB): Co-norming and standardization in China,Schizophrenia Research, 2015,169(1-3):109-15.

23.   王雪芹,于欣*,Paul S. Appelbaum(),唐宏宇,姚贵忠,司天梅,马亚婷(),李涛(),于玲,石川,马义斌,李玲莉. Longitudinal informed consent competency in stable community patients with schizophrenia: A one-week training and one-year follow-up study, Schizophrenia Research,2016,170(1):162-167.

24.   刘璐,程嘉,苏怡,吉宁,高倩(),李海梅,杨莉,孙黎,钱秋谨*,王玉凤*. Deficiency of Sustained Attention in ADHD and Its Potential Genetic Contributor MAOA, Journal of Attention Disorders, pii: 1087054715574832.

25.   高倩(),刘璐,李海梅,Tang Yilang(),陈芸(),王玉凤*,钱秋谨*. Interaction Between Season of Birth and COMT Val158Met (rs4680) in ADHD in a Large Sample of Chinese Han Participants, Journal of Attention Disorders, pii: 1087054715608441.

26.   权文香#,Tongning Wu()#,Zhaohua Li(),YuduoWang(),董问天*,Bin Lv() . Reduced prefrontal activation during a verbal fluency task in Chinese-speaking patients with schizophrenia as measured by near-infrared spectroscopy, Progress In Neuro-Psychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry, 2015,58:51-58.

27.   高倩()#,刘璐#,陈芸(),李海梅,王玉凤*,钱秋谨*. Synaptosome-related (SNARE) genes and their interactions contribute to the susceptibility and working memory of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder in males, Progress In Neuro-Psychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry, 2015,57:132-139.

28.   金嘉郦(),刘璐,高倩(),陈楚桥(),李海梅,陈芸(),王玉凤*,钱秋谨*. The divergent impact of COMT Val158Met on executive function in children with and without attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder   Genes, Brain And Behavior, 2016,15(2):271-279.

29.   任振宇(),Xu Xiao-Qing (),鲍彦萍(),何佳(),师乐(),邓佳慧(),高雪娇(),Tang Hui-Lin (),王玉梅(),陆林*. The impact of genetic variation on sensitivity to opioid analgesics in patients with postoperative pain: a systematic review and meta-analysis, Pain Physician,2015,18(2):131-152

30.   高倩(),刘璐,李海梅,汤宜朗(),吴赵敏(),陈芸(),王玉凤*,钱秋谨*. Interactions between MAOA and SYP polymorphisms were associated with symptoms of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder in Chinese Han subjects,  American Journal of Medical Genetics,Part B- Neuropsychiatric Genetics,2015,168B(1):45-53.

31.   王晓丽(),曹庆久*,王金辉(),吴赵敏(),王鹏(),孙黎,蔡太生()*,王玉凤. The effects of cognitive-behavioral therapy on intrinsic functional brain networks in adults with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder , Behavioral Research And Therapy ,2016,76:32-39.

32.   李继涛,赵莹莹(),王红丽(),王晓东(),苏允爱*,司天梅*. Long-term effects of neonatal exposure to MK-801 on recognition memory and excitatory-inhibitory balance in rat hippocampus, Neuroscience, 2015,308:134-143.

33.   梁英,苏允爱,赵振国,高楠,黄继中(),唐茂琴(),栗克清(),杨甫德(),于欣*,司天梅*.Acute Effects of Haloperidol, Amisulpride, and Quetiapine on Bone Turnover Markers in Patients With Schizophrenia, Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology,2015,35(5):583-586.

34.   苏怡,李海波(),陈一心(),方方(),徐通(),陆海萍(),谢玲(),卓建敏(),屈佳稚(),杨莉*,王玉凤*. Remission Rate and Functional Outcomes During a 6-Month Treatment With Osmotic-Release Oral-System Methylphenidate in Children With Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology,  2015,35(5):525-534.

35.   Tan S;Zhao Y;Fan F;Zou Y;Jin Z;Zen Y;Zhu X;Yang F;Tan Y;周东丰* .Brain Correlates of Self-Evaluation Deficits in Schizophrenia: A Combined Functional and Structural MRI Study, Plos One, 2015,10(9):e0138737.

36.   姜思思,阎浩,Qiang Chen(),田霖(),卢天兰,Haoyang Tan(),闫俊,张岱*. Cerebral Inefficient Activation in Schizophrenia Patients and Their Unaffected Parents during the N-Back Working Memory Task: A Family fMRI Study, Plos One,  2015,10(8):e0135468.

37.   王志忠(), Koenig HG(),Yuhong Zhang(),Wanrui Ma(),黄悦勤*. Religious involvement and mental disorders in mainland china, Plos One, 2015,10(6):e0128800.

38.   管丽丽,刘津(),吴霞民,Dafang Chen(),王勋,马宁,Yan Wang(),Byron Good(),马弘,于欣*,Mary-Jo Good() .Unlocking patients with mental disorders who were in restraints at home: a national follow-up study of China's new public mental health initiatives, Plos One,2015,10(4):e0121425.

39.   李俊#,赵林楠()#,游阳(),卢天兰,贾美香,郁昊(),阮燕燕,岳伟华,刘靖,陆林,张岱*,王力芳*. Schizophrenia Related Variants in CACNA1C also Confer Risk of Autism, Plos One,2015,10(7):e0133247

40.   李俊#,游阳()#,岳伟华,贾美香,郁昊(),卢天兰,伍智镠(),阮燕燕,王力芳*,张岱*.Genetic evidence for possible involvement of the calcium channel gene CACNA1A in autism pathogenesis in Chinese Han population, Plos ONE, 2015,10(11):e0142887.

41.   王芳()#,宓为峰#,Wenbin Ma(),Cuicui Ma(),Yongfeng Yang(),Hongxing Zhang(),Bo Du(),栗克清(),Chenxing Liu(),王力芳,卢天兰,张鸿燕,吕路线(),张岱,岳伟华*. A pharmacogenomic study revealed an association between SLC6A4and risperidone-induced weight gain in Chinese Han population,    Pharmacogenomics ,2015,16(17):1943-1949.

42.   王育梅(),陈红光,宋梅(),徐顺建(),于露露(),王岚(),王然(),师乐(),何佳(),黄悦勤,孙洪强,潘成英,王学义()*,陆林*. The Prevalence of Insomnia and Its Risk Factors in the Elderly: a Community-Based Study in Four Cities of Hebei Province, China        Sleep Medicine, doi:10.1016/j.sleep.2015.10.018.

43.   Fang Yantong(),吉宁(),曹庆久,苏怡,陈敏(),王玉凤,杨莉*. Variants of Dopamine Beta Hydroxylase Gene Moderate Atomoxitine Response in Children with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology, 2015,25(8):625-32.

44.   陈天达,吴秦伟(),张阳(),张岱*.  NDUFV2 regulates neuronal migration in the developing cerebral cortex through modulation of the multipolar-bipolar transition, Brain Research,  2015,1625:102-110.

45.   阎浩*,田霖(),Qifeng Wang(),Qiang Zhao(),岳伟华,闫俊,Bing Liu(),张岱*.Compromised small-world efficiency of structural brain networks in schizophrenic patients and their unaffected parents, Neuroscience Bulletin, 2015,31(3):275-287.

46.   Li Xinwei()#,曹庆久#,Pu Fang(),Li Deyu(),Fan Yubo(),安莉(),王鹏(),吴赵敏(),孙黎,Li Shuyu()*,王玉凤*.     Abnormalities of structural covariance networks in drug-naive boys with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.,Psychiatry Research, 2015,231(3):273-278.

47.   刘璐,李海梅(),王艺(),杨莉,钱秋谨*,王玉凤*. Association between GUC2C and ADHD: evidence from both categorical and quantitative traits, Psychiatry Research, 2014,220(1-2):708-710.

48.   高倩(),钱英,何笑笑(),孙黎,常卫利(),李岳玲(),曹庆久,王玉凤*,钱秋谨*.Childhood predictors of persistent ADHD in early adulthood: results from the first follow-up study in China , Psychiatry Research, 2015,230(3):905-12.

49.   王久菊,王鹏飞,夏志超(),刘津(),权文香,田菊,Taeko N. Wydell(),董问天*. Lexical and sub-lexical reading skills and their correlation to clinical symptoms in young Chinese patients with schizophrenia, Psychiatry Research, 2015,230(3):919-2.

50.   权文香#,Xiao Lin Zhuc()#,乔宏,张五芳,谭淑平(),周东丰,王向群*. The effects of high-frequency repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) on negative symptoms of schizophrenia and the follow-up study, Neuroscience Letters, 2015,584:197-201.

51.   李俊,游阳(),岳伟华,郁昊(),卢天兰,伍智镠(),贾美香,阮燕燕,刘靖*,张岱*,王力芳*. Chromatin remodeling gene EZH2 involved in the genetic etiology of autism in Chinese Han population, Neuroscience Letter,2016,610:182-6.

52.   赵玫(),吕晓珍,Maimaitirexiati Tuerxun(),Jincai He(),Benyan Luo(),Wei Chen(),Kai Wang(),Ping Gu(),Weihong Kuang(),Yuying Zhou(),Qiumin Qu(),Jianhua He(),Nan Zhang(),Yongping Feng(),于欣,王华丽*. Delayed help seeking behavior in dementia care: preliminary findings from the Clinical Pathway for Alzheimer's Disease in China (CPAD) study,International Psychogeriatrics, 2015:1-9.

53.   谢稚鹃(),吕晓珍,Yongdong Hu(),Wanxin Ma(),Hengge Xie(),林凯,于欣,王华丽*.Development and validation of the geriatric depression inventory in Chinese culture,International Psychogeriatrics,    2015,27(9):1505-1511.

54.   司天梅*,Qingrong Tan(),Kerang Zhang(),Yang Wang(),Qing rui() . An open-label, flexible-dose study of paliperidone extended-release in Chinese patients with first-onset psychosis, Neuropsychiatric Disease And Treatment, 2015,11:87-95.

55.   司天梅,Kerang Zhang(),Jisheng Tang(),Maosheng Fang(),Keqing Li(),Jianmin Zhuo(),Yu Feng(). Efficacy and safety of flexibly dosed paliperidone palmitate in Chinese patients with acute schizophrenia: an open-label, single-arm, prospective, interventional study, Neuropsychiatric Disease And Treatment, 2015,11:1483-1492.

56.   肖静波(),宓为峰,李玲芝,施莹,张鸿燕*. High relapse rate and poor medication adherence in the Chinese population with schizophrenia: results from an observational survey in the People's Republic of China, Neuropsychiatric Disease And Treatment, 2015,11:1161-1167.

57.   张鸿燕,Li Huafang(),Yanning Liu(),Cathy Wu(),Isaac Nuamah(),Shi Jianguo(),Xie Shiping(),Wang Gang (),Srihari Gopal()*. Safety and efficacy of paliperidon extended-release in Chinese patients with schizophrenia: 24-weeks,open-label,extension of a randomized,double-blind,placebo-controlled study, Neuropsychiatric Disease And Treatment, 2015,11:1-9.

58.   白冠男(),王玉凤,杨莉*,Wenyi Niu()*. Effectiveness of afocused brief psychoeducation program for parents of ADHD children: improvement on the medication adherence and symptoms, Neuropsychiatric Disease And Treatment, 2015,11:2721-2735.

59.   黄芳(),钱秋谨*,王玉凤. Cognitive behavioral therapy for adults with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial, Trials, 2015,16(1):1-8.

60.   宋煜青*,项玉涛(),黄悦勤,王向群,王希林,张付全(),关向谦(),陈爱慈(),王志仁(),Ungvari GS(),Christoph U. Correll(),Charles Zaroff(). Impairments in Negative Facial Emotion Recognition in Chinese Schizophrenia Patients Detected With a Newly Designed Task,Journal of Nervous And Mental Disease, 2015,203(9):718-724.

61.   张慧君(),党卫民,董问天,田菊,Chen Ru(),Zhan Siyan(),于欣*. Near-infrared spectroscopy for examination of prefrontal activation during cognitive tasks in patients with major depressive disorder: a meta-analysis of observational studies,  Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences, 2015,69(1):22-23.

62.   玉小燕(),原彬科(),曹庆久,安莉(),王鹏(),Alasdair Vance(), Timothy J. Silk(),臧玉峰(),孙黎*,王玉凤. Frequency-Specific Abnormalities in Regional Homogeneity among Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: A Resting-State fMRI Study, Science Bulletin, Doi:10.1007/s11434-015-0823-y.

63.   Mengmeng Su()#,王久菊#,Urs Maurer(),Yuping Zhang(),Jun Li() Catherine McBride (),Twila Tardif(),Youyi Liu(),Hua Shu()*. Gene-environment interaction on neural mechanisms of orthographic processing in Chinese children, Journal of Neurolinguistics, 2015,33:172-186.

64.   王宇希(),Yu Tao Xiang(),苏允爱,李茜,舒良,Chee H Ng(),Gabor S Ungvari(),Helen FK Chiu(),Yu Ping Nin(),Gao Hua Wang(),Pei Shen Bai(),Tao Li(),Li Zhong Sun(),Jian Guo Shi(),Xian Sheng Chen(),Qi Yi Mei(),Ke Qing Li(),于欣,司天梅*.  Antipsychotic Medications in Major Depression and the Association with Treatment Satisfaction and Quality of Life: Findings of Three National Surveys on Use of Psychotropics in China Between 2002 and 2012,Chinese Medical Journal, 2015,128(14):1847-1852.

65.   刘艳红(),陈林(),苏允爱,Yi-Ru Fang(),Manit Srisurapanont(),Jin Pyo Hong(),Ahmad Hatim(),Hong Choon Chua(),Dianne Bautista(),司天梅*. Is early-onset in major depression a predictor of specific clinical features with more impaired social function?, Chinese Medical Journal,2015,128(6):811-815.

66.   卢瑾(),黄悦勤*,刘肇瑞,操小兰().  Validity of Chinese Version of the Composite International Diagnostic Interview-3.0 in Psychiatric Settings, Chinese Medical Journal,2015,128(18):2462-2466.

67.   陈超(),司天梅*,Yu Tao Xiang(),Gabor S Ungvari(),Chuan Yue Wang(),Yan Ling He(),Ee Heok Kua(),Senta Fujii(),Kang Sim(),Jitendra K Trivedi(),Eun Kee Chung(),Pichet Udomratn(),Kok Yoon Chee(),Norman Sartorius(),Chay Hoon Tan(),Naotaka Shinfuku() .Prevalence and prescription of antidepressants in depression with somatic comorbidity in Asia: the Research on East Asian Psychotropic Prescription Patterns study ,Chinese Medical Journal, 2015,128(7):853-858.