
本站编辑 学术论文 2011-09-01

1. Guan L, Wang B, Chen Y, Yang L, Li J, Qian Q, Wang Z, Faraone SV, Wang Y*. A high-density single-nucleotide polymorphism screen of 23 candidate genes in attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: suggesting multiple susceptibility genes among Chinese Han population. Mol Psychiatry (IF: 12.537). 2009 May;14(5):546-54.
2. Qian QJ*, Liu J, Wang YF, Yang L, Guan LL, Faraone SV. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder comorbid oppositional defiant disorder and its predominately inattentive type: evidence for an association with COMT but not MAOA in a Chinese sample. Behav Brain Funct (IF: 2.55). 2009 Feb 19;5:8.
3. Cao X, Cao Q, Long X, Sun L, Sui M, Zhu C, Zuo X, Zang Y, Wang Y*. Abnormal resting-state functional connectivity patterns of the putamen in medication-naïve children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Brain Res (IF:2.494). 2009 Dec 15;1303:195-206.
4. Qin J, Jia M, Wang L, Lu T, Ruan Y, Liu J, Guo Y, Zhang J, Yang X, Yue W, Zhang D*. Association study of SHANK3 gene polymorphisms with autism in Chinese Han population. BMC Med Genet (IF: 2.762). 2009 Jun 30;10:61.
5. Wang F, Jiang T, Sun Z, Teng SL, Luo X, Zhu Z, Zang Y, Zhang H, Yue W, Qu M, Lu T, Hong N, Huang H, Blumberg HP, Zhang D*. Neuregulin 1 genetic variation and anterior cingulum integrity in patients with schizophrenia and healthy controls. J Psychiatry Neurosci (IF:4.123) 2009 May;34(3):181-6.
6. Yan H, Zuo XN, Wang D, Wang J, Zhu C, Milham MP, Zhang D*, Zang Y. Hemispheric asymmetry in cognitive division of anterior cingulate cortex: a resting-state functional connectivity study. Neuroimage(IF: 5.694). 2009 Oct 1;47(4):1579-89
7. Lv J, Jia H, Jiang Y, Ruan Y, Liu Z, Yue W, Beyreuther K, Tu P, Zhang D*. Tenuifolin, an extract derived from tenuigenin, inhibits amyloid-beta secretion in vitro. Acta Physiol (Oxf) (IF: 2.455). 2009 Aug;196(4):419-25.
8. Zhang H, Ding J, Tian W, Wang L, Huang L, Ruan Y, Lu T, Sha Y, Zhang D*. Ganglioside GM1 binding the N-terminus of amyloid precursor protein. Neurobiol Aging (IF: 5.959). 2009 Aug;30(8):1245-53.
9. Liu Z*, Albanese E, Li S, Huang Y, Ferri CP, Yan F, Sousa R, Dang W, Prince M. Chronic disease prevalence and care among the elderly in urban and rural Beijing, China - a 10/66 Dementia Research Group cross-sectional survey. BMC Public Health(IF:2.029). 2009 Oct 21;9:394.
10. Huang Y*, Kotov R, de Girolamo G, Preti A, Angermeyer M, Benjet C, Demyttenaere K, de Graaf R, Gureje O, Karam AN, Lee S, Lépine JP, Matschinger H, Posada-Villa J, Suliman S, Vilagut G, Kessler RC. DSM-IV personality disorders in the WHO World Mental Health Surveys.Br J Psychiatry(IF: 5.077). 2009 Jul;195(1):46-53.
11. Chen JX, Su YA, Wang SL, Bian QT, Liu YH, Wang N, Yang FD, Haile C, Kosten TR, Zhang XY*. Aripiprazole treatment of risperidone-induced hyperprolactinemia. J Clin Psychiatry(IF:5.053). 2009 Jul;70(7):1058-9.
12. Xiao W, Liu H, Zhang H, Liu Q, Fu P, Chen J, Wang X, Wang G, Li L, Shu L. Reliability and validity of the Chinese version of the Calgary Depression Scale for Schizophrenia. Aust N Z J Psychiatry(IF:2.318). 2009 Jun;43(6):548-53.
13. Wang H*, Golob E, Bert A, Nie K, Chu Y, Dick MB, Mandelkern M, Su MY. Alterations in regional brain volume and individual MRI-guided perfusion in normal control, stable mild cognitive impairment, and MCI-AD converter. J Geriatr Psychiatry Neurol(IF:1.794). 2009 Mar;22(1):35-45. Epub 2009 Jan 15.
14. Sousa RM*, Ferri CP, Acosta D, Albanese E, Guerra M, Huang Y, Jacob KS, Jotheeswaran AT, Rodriguez JJ, Pichardo GR, Rodriguez MC, Salas A, Sosa AL, Williams J, Zuniga T, Prince M. Contribution of chronic diseases to disability in elderly people in countries with low and middle incomes: a 10/66 Dementia Research Group population-based survey. Lancet(28.409). 2009 Nov 28;374(9704):1821-30.
15. Nock MK, Hwang I, Sampson N, Kessler RC, Angermeyer M, Beautrais A, Borges G, Bromet E, Bruffaerts R, de Girolamo G, de Graaf R, Florescu S, Gureje O, Haro JM, Hu C, Huang Y, Karam EG, Kawakami N, Kovess V, Levinson D, Posada-Villa J, Sagar R, Tomov T, Viana MC, Williams DR. Cross-national analysis of the associations among mental disorders and suicidal behavior: findings from the WHO World Mental Health Surveys. PLoS Med(IF:12.185). 2009 Aug;6(8):e1000123.
16. Lee S, Guo WJ, Tsang A, He YL, Huang YQ, Zhang MY, Liu ZR, Shen YC, Kessler RC. Associations of cohort and socio-demographic correlates with transitions from alcohol use to disorders and remission in metropolitan China. Addiction(IF:4.244). 2009 Aug;104(8):1313-23. Epub 2009 May 12.
17. Albanese E, Dangour AD, Uauy R, Acosta D, Guerra M, Guerra SS, Huang Y, Jacob KS, de Rodriguez JL, Noriega LH, Salas A, Sosa AL, Sousa RM, Williams J, Ferri CP, Prince MJ. Dietary fish and meat intake and dementia in Latin America, China, and India: a 10/66 Dementia Research Group population-based study. Am J Clin Nutr(IF:6.74). 2009 Aug;90(2):392-400. Epub 2009 Jun 24.
18. Lee,S.,Guo, W.-J.,Tsang, A., He, YL, Huang, Y.-Q,Liu ZR,Zhang MY, Shen YC,Kessler, R.C. Impaired role functioning and treatment rates for mental disorders and chronic physical conditions in Metropolitan China. Psychosomatic Medicine(IF:3.46) 2009; 71, 886-893
19. Sosa AL, Albanese E, Prince M, Acosta D, Ferri CP, Guerra M, Huang Y, Jacob KS, de Rodriguez JL, Salas A, Yang F, Gaona C, Joteeshwaran A, Rodriguez G, de la Torre GR, Williams JD, Stewart R. Population normative data for the 10/66 Dementia Research Group cognitive test battery from Latin America, India and China: a cross-sectional survey. BMC Neurol(IF:2.784). 2009 Aug 26; 9:48
20. Lee, S., Guo, W.-J., Tsang, A., Huang, Y.Q., He, Y.-L., Kessler, R.C. Prevalence and correlates of active and ever-smokers in metropolitan China. Addictive Behaviors(IF:1.946)2009; 34(11), 969-972
21. Rong, Y; Luscombe, GM; Davenport, TA; Huang, YQ; Glozier, N; Hickie, IB. Recognition and treatment of depression. Social Psychiatry And Psychiatric Epidemiology(IF:1.959). 2009; 44(8), 636-642
22. Lee, S; Tsang, A; Huang, YQ; He, YL; Liu, ZR; Zhang, MY; Shen, YC; Kessler, R. The epidemiology of depression in metropolitan China. Psychological Medicine(IF:4.718) 2009; 39(5), 735-747